We got the greatest early Christmas gift ever! A sweet little lady named PennyLane.
She arrived October 5th after fourteen lovely hours of labor. She has red hair (which we were hoping for) and blue eyes (I hope they don't change). The first few weeks were a bit challenging, but now we have a lot of fun as she learns to smile, laugh, and coo. I know every parent says this about their child, but in our case I think it is true: She is the most beautiful baby in the world. She got her Daddy's nose and ears and Mommy's lips and eyes. She is perfect.
Anyway, it's Christmas time! My favorite time of the year. I've got Charlie Brown Christmas playing in the background and I'm putting ribbon on the tree while baby is taking a nap. I could not be happier.
When I was growing up I always told myself that in my "grown up" house we would teach our children what Christmas was really about. The Lord, our God being born into this world to save us from our sins. December 25th is the day we celebrate Jesus' birth, not the selfish receiving of presents, or the coming of a bearded man guided by magical animals. So, in celebration of Jesus' birth we are going to have a birthday cake! I am so excited to start this tradition with my daughter!
However, we will have the belief of Santa in our home, there is so little magic left in the world, that I want Penny to have some of it once a year. So, yes, we will put out cookies for Santa and cut some of the cats white curly belly hair off and put it near the cookies as if Santa's beard shed a bit. And yes, Corey will put on some big boots with baby powder on the bottom and prance about the living room as if Santa's snowy boots had walked our floors... because that's how I grew up and I think that's why this is such a magical time for me.
So, as it should be always be said (thank you Harry Potter)...
Happy Christmas!